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How a Psychic Reading Can Help You Grieve

Psychic Reading Can Help You Grieve butterfly

There is no emotion as intense and painful as grief. When you lose someone close, feelings of loss, loneliness and despair are beyond anything you have felt before. Grief is primal, raw, rasping and engulfing. Emotions wash over you uncontrollably. One minute you are empty and dead inside. The next you are full of hatred for the illness, accident, perpetrator or old age that took your loved one from you. The intensity takes your breath away. Many people find comfort in the presence and services of a psychic medium. We’re looking at how a psychic reading can help you grieve, and how it can offer you hope… and the strength to keep going.

how a psychic reading can help you grieve.
View of sculpture enitled: 'Shout' by Glyn Williams, situated at Margam sculpture park taken in 1984; collated by the former Central Office of Information.

Meeting or speaking to a psychic medium is one way of taking the first few steps toward acceptance. A good psychic or spiritual (the terms are interchangeable) medium helps you understand your loved one is always near. Even though you cannot feel their physical presence, they are with you. Learning you are wrapped in love is comforting beyond measure. Knowing that you will always be connected is so reassuring. Somehow, you receive the strength to carry on with your life and even begin to feel good about it.

They Still Care About You

One woman was overwhelmed when she spoke on the phone to a psychic who said that her husband wanted her to start taking care of herself. The medium told her he was concerned she was not eating properly and losing weight. 

Another spiritual medium was informed by a woman in spirit that her husband had bought a new chair and she liked it very much. In fact, she said she liked it so much she was drawn to be near it often. The husband was so happy that he’d ‘done something right’.

Your Messages Are Heard

You should know that, even without the help of a psychic reading, your loved one can hear you. So if you feel the need to tell them you love them, or to apologize or to simply chat as you would have when they were alive, you should do so. You might not be able to receive their messages directly, but know that yours are getting through. When you feel ready, contact a psychic who can confirm that your loved one is listening.

One lady in spirit came through to a psychic and asked her to pass on a message. She said she never knew how much she was loved in life until she saw how many people attended her funeral. Her family were so happy that they’d tried so hard to make it a beautiful and heart-warming occasion.

A Good Psychic Knows How You Feel

There is not much in the way of human emotion that a good psychic hasn’t experienced. Or a bereavement situation they haven’t helped many previous clients with. They know what you are going through. Know that you are in safe hands. Your psychic reader will know how to deliver the message in a way that will be comforting. His or her main aim is for you to leave their office, or end the call, feeling better; hopeful that life will improve.

how a psychic reading can help you grieve.

When To Get a Psychic Reading

It’s best to wait a little while before contacting a psychic reader. At the very beginning, you might feel you need to cling to some remnant or spirit of the one who has died. Yet, now, you may not be able to listen to the message. Give it some time – how long is dependent upon how you are feeling. Once you feel ready to make contact, you will know it.

One thing you shouldn’t do is become addicted to psychic readings. Some people live their lives through readings and become completely immersed in the spirit world. They are wholly focused on their next ‘fix’. Unless you are a medium yourself, you should avoid this. You still have a life to live in this world.

In the same vein, you should also avoid hopping from one psychic to another. Each will have their own style and you could become confused and disillusioned. Create a good relationship with one, possibly two, but no more than that. 

How Often Should I Have a Psychic Reading

If you are wanting to touch base with your loved one; making sure all is well with them, once or twice a year is fine. Of course, it depends on the individual. Some have written books and websites about their experiences with the psychic world, so are happy to have an ongoing dialogue. As long as it doesn’t become an addiction, as described above, there’s no problem in keeping in touch as necessary.

Anniversaries, Christmas, birthdays and Valentines are good occasions to have a psychic reading. But don’t book a reading for someone else because you think it will make a great surprise gift for them. It may well be exactly what they want, but do ask them first.

Tips From a Psychic to Help Get Through Grief

  • Ask yourself how you would want your loved one to feel if you had died. Would you want them to mourn and pine, or would you prefer them to live a full and healthy life, with the occasional psychic contact for reassurance?
  • Know that they haven’t gone anywhere, their spirit has left their body and is on another plane. Right next to you. Okay, sometimes they are off watching a game or looking at their grandkids.
  • Have a private ritual, perhaps on their birthday or the anniversary of when you met. 
  • Get in touch occasionally via a psychic reading. They may have an important message for you.
  • Look for small signs. Your loved one will leave you little signs if you ask them to. They might include the sighting of butterflies in significant places. A feather right where you will see it. Or they may even change the TV channel.

Most importantly, know that they are never going to leave you. They are always part of your life, but at the same time, they want you to be happy and move on. 

You are loved.

Images via Pixabay, unless otherwise stated.

0 Responses

  1. Hi Trol,  This is one of the best post I have gone through recently, I must admit. Perfectly touched every question that may occcur in the mind of a inquisitive reader. Thanks for the post.

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