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Destiny and Life: What is My Purpose?

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“There is not one big cosmic meaning for all; there is only the meaning we each give to our life, an individual meaning, an individual plot, like an individual novel, a book for each person.” 
― Anaïs Nin, The Diary of Anaïs Nin, Vol. 1: 1931-1934

From the dawn of consciousness, humanity has searched for meaning. Why are we here? What does it all mean? Questions echoes across the ages. Art, science, religions, and the beliefs of diverse societies and cultures, each has their answers. Sometimes they offer a complex set of answers or no answer at all. But it can and should be a more personal journey. So if you are asking, "What is my purpose?" you might just be on the right track.

there i was viewminder Image source: Viewminder on Flickr

The attempt to find the meaning of life has both a spiritual and philosophical significance. From the ancient musings of Socrates and Plato to the modern theories of scientists and physicists, up to now we are trying to understand. 

Humankind has developed amazing technology along with an increasing intellect. Despite these advances, life does not come with an instruction manual. The true power of the human being may have more to do with the spirit than the body. 

Purpose Equals Passion

Do you know what your life purpose is? Are you trying to find a precise and specific roadmap to give you all the answers? Do you struggle with who you are and what you want to become? If so, you are not alone.

passion is everything ram reddy Image source: Ram Reddy on Flickr

Soul evolution is ultimately about individuality. And if you substitute the word "passion" for the word "purpose", you may receive some clarity. Forget about the larger age-old questions. Focus on what makes you happy.

The Pursuit of Happiness?

Each person has their unique talents and passions to start with. Often, true happiness is the expansion of what you love. The truth is that in human form, there will be obstacles and roadblocks for all of us. No one is happy, joyous and free at all times.

Purpose, passion and happiness are not impossible. They are the path to soul evolution. You get to choose what you want to learn, experience and take with you from this lifetime. This journey gives you validation and meaning.

passion jackie lck Image source: Jackie.lck on Flickr

By developing your gifts and talents, you may find joy, clarity and balance in your life. It is not selfish to be happy or to pursue the path that gives you the greatest joy. 

If you are sad and sleepwalking through your life, you have nothing to offer the lives that touch yours. 

“To the degree that I cease to pursue my deepest passions, I will gradually be controlled by my deepest fears.” 
― Plato

To Be the Best You Can Be?

Socrates is supposed to have said that, "The unexamined life is not worth living." Being "present" is also a concept in Eastern religions. If one accepts the premise of reincarnation as the big picture, then each incarnation (when we return to the physical world) has a karmic message. Whatever your beliefs, spiritual evolution is about growth and understanding.

In more modern terms, having a "purpose" is the same as living an "authentic" life. 

public health initiatives trinity care foundation Image source: Trinity Care Foundation on Flickr

An authentic life is not always problem-free. But it replaces men and women's tendency to drift with a moral compass and the capacity for joy. Ethics and morality are both situational and subject to change from culture-to-culture.

Life in human form has very real advantages. People have the ability and the consciousness to seek happiness as well as be of service to others. 

If you are learning to be the best you can, be one who brings happiness. Love, passion, and happiness are all extensions of an authentic life. And when we find our purpose, the joy is contagious. More than likely, it will affect the people around you.

"For Socrates (as for many others then and since), a human being is marked by the capacity to transcend instinct and desire and to make conscious, ethical choices." 
― Simon Longstaff

Why Are You Looking?

If you don't know why you are here, you guess your way through life. People with no direction have problems feeling grateful. They have trouble making decisions. They often feel lost. 

If you have no purpose, you find yourself drifting. Things happen to you. You don't make them happen.

pabak sarkar teenage confusion Image source: Pabak Sarkar on Flickr

In today's world, there are bound to be confusing times. It's easy to get lost in the day-to-day details. You may feel like all the magic has evaporated, or maybe it was never there in the first place.

Having a clear understanding of your unique purpose in life is a powerful incentive to keep moving forward. In everyone's life, there are difficult and sad times. We are all challenged by situations, people and events. 

The focused energy of a "life purpose" helps you to prevail over tragedy, loss and life path obstacles. Once you understand the path that you have chosen (happiness and joy), you are no longer "guessing" your way through life. 

Find Your Purpose!

If you have been hiding from life and feeling like you can skate by and not really try hard, because you do not know what you are supposed to be doing, you may feel uncomfortable with the responsibility of following through and going after what you want.

It doesn't have to be hard and complicated to find your purpose in life.

inspire me vern Image source: Vern on Flickr

You were born "knowing" what your life purpose truly is. Authenticity and passion are the thread through all your relationships and the major events of your life. Sometimes a psychic reading at Psychic Elements will give you the insight you need. 

Take an honest look at your life from the beginning to right now. See what you have learned. Be honest about your true gifts and passions. What do you love? What have you learned?
Finding your destiny and direction begins with the knowledge of what you truly love. Each life is a work in progress. Read yourself like a good book. Adjust your path towards your passions. When you embrace your life's purpose, you will be opening up your heart.

"You have brains in your head and feet in your shoes
You can steer yourself any direction you choose.
You're on your own, and you know what you know.
And you are the one who'll decide where to go." 

― Dr. Seuss


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